TechBerta Podcast

Boot up the Carhartts and reinstall the F150, Techberta is the podcast about the Tech Sector in Alberta and Western Canada. Every week we bring news, interviews, and insights into the growth of the new economy in Wildrose Country & beyond

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Wednesday Nov 10, 2021

The world is on fire but your candy isn't, corporations have enough of your DNA to clone you and Facebook is still being weird.TechBerta Episode 6 NewsBerta for November 10th 2021
TechBerta is an independent nonpartisan podcast that explores and advocates for the tech sector on the Silicone Prairie.

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021

3D printers are here to change the world, but how and when? Although the technology isn't there yet, we'll be printing cars before we're visiting Mars.
TechBerta is an independent nonpartisan podcast that explores and advocates for the tech sector on the Silicone Prairie.

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021

Your data isn't safe and neither is your charging cable. Also, is the great resignation real and why don't we have cool Nuclear batteries on our streets?TechBerta Episode 4 NewsBerta for October 27th 2021
TechBerta is an independent nonpartisan podcast that explores and advocates for the tech sector on the Silicone Prairie.

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021

In the second half of our investigation into the Alberta tech boom we look at what it will take for the province to compete on the national and international stage. Housing, Healthcare, and Honkeytonks 🤠

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021

This week we have exciting news from Alberta as the Wildrose Country looks set to launch 4 brand new tech incubators/accelerators to try and realize that Silicone Prairie dream.
Also, used car prices are terrible and Facebook is in hot water again, twice.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021

Long criticized for being stuck in its ways, Alberta is coming of age as a location that fosters  new tech while defending the strategically important Oil & Gas industry. But is everything that beeps a Tech Boom? We take a look at what a tech boom really should be and if Alberta is heading in that direction.
TechBerta is an independent nonpartisan podcast that explores and advocates for the tech sector on the Silicone Prairie.

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